
Showing posts from December, 2019

Best VSCode extensions for Web Developers

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is one of the most popular code editor used by developers.  Whether you are a full-time web developer working with large codebases or just someone who likes to create websites as a hobby, VSCode can be a great choice for your development needs. That said, here are some extensions that will boost your productivity and give you a better experience while you code. 1. Live Server  This is one of the best for web developers due to its immediate impact on productivity. Make changes in code editor, switch to the browser, and refresh to see changes. Sounds familiar? That's the endless cycle of a web developer, but what if your browser would automatically refresh anytime you make changes and save? That's where Live Server comes in!Live server automatically refreshes the browser each time you make a change to your code and save it. 2. CSS Peek Ever been in a situation where you have to toggle over each time to your .css file with 100+ lines of code and then se